Chris Bellew; Software Engineer;
Download Resume (PDF)

Sample Source Files


GeneticOptimiser.cs Core genetic algorithm runner.
ModularChromosomeOperator.cs Evolutionary chromosome operator. Performs mutations and interbreeding.
ModularStudy.cs Defines the framework for an optimisation strategy.
IchimokuCrossoverAboveCloudModule.cs Example module that is randomly chosen and randomly configured.

app.js Web Server
resource-cache.js Data structure for storing web resources keyed by name, version parts and type.

Frontend Demos


A side-project where I put 1500+ hours into making a realtime streaming and visualisation platform for the oil & gas industry.

Mash Academy

Award winning hackathon project for GovHack 2014. A portal for school children to use real government data to complete assignments. Awards received from Google, Splunk, Western Australia State Premier's Office and Australian Federal Department of Communications. Beat 200+ other projects for 1st Prize.

Synergy City

Award winning hackathon project for GovHack 2015. A game for Western Australian residents to measure the impact of solar energy on their utility bills. Award received from Synergy (Western Australian state power corporation).

Multi-select Map

Implementation of a quadtree to allow multiple selection of elements on a map. The recursive subdivison of areas provides polygon searching with O(log(n)) complexity.

Zoomable Map

Interactive choropleth map showing production for wells overlayed on US states and counties, with drill-down.

Couch Economist

The start of my economics blog.